Media Release

November 6, 2023

Proposals Invited for Development of Land for Rental Housing That is Affordable

The Provincial Government today released an inventory of vacant provincial land in the St. John’s metro region that can be made available for the development of purpose-built rental housing that is affordable.
To facilitate the process, a Request for Expressions of Interest (REOI) was issued to invite proposals from industry and not-for-profit stakeholders for the development of the land for rental housing. The REOI is in keeping with the commitment to review vacant provincial land and buildings, as announced in the province’s five-point housing plan on October 16.
Initiative number three of the plan focused on the “use of available Provincial Government-owned land and buildings for construction or conversion for purpose-built rental housing, including modular.” Since that time, a review of Provincial Government-owned properties in the metro region has taken place, and a number of vacant properties were identified for this type of development for affordable housing.
As announced last month, the overarching plan is designed to increase the availability of housing that is more affordable in Newfoundland and Labrador by helping stimulate private sector development and stabilizing or reducing housing prices. Government will continue to explore vacant provincial land outside of the metro region for the additional development of affordable rental housing.
The details of the REOI, as well as information on all tenders and requests for proposals issued and awarded by the department and other public bodies, is available at

“We know that safe, affordable housing and housing that is more affordable are intrinsically linked to our social and economic well-being, and is at the heart of vibrant and healthy communities. We also recognize the housing challenges we are facing in our province and how they are impacting Newfoundlanders and Labradorians. I am very pleased that we are already making progress on our five-point plan to increase the availability of housing through the release of this Request for Expressions of Interest, and I look forward to receiving proposals that will translate into affordable housing.”
Honourable Dr. Andrew Furey
Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador

“Through this Request for Expressions of Interest for proposals, we are making available properties at fair market value that can be developed specifically for affordable rental housing. It is our hope as a government that these vacant government-owned properties will be part of the solution to help meet the demand we are currently experiencing in our province.”
Honourable John G. Abbott
Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure

“We acknowledge the increased challenges people are facing in accessing affordable housing. Today’s announcement shows how our government is rising to these challenges and is taking tangible and meaningful actions to support the more vulnerable people in our communities, as well as helping to meet market demand for housing that is affordable.”
Honourable Paul Pike
Minister Responsible for the Newfoundland and Labrador Housing Corporation and
Minister of Children, Seniors and Social Development


Learn more
Provincial Government Launches Five-Point Plan to Improve Availability of Housing that is Affordable

Media contacts
Meghan McCabe
Office of the Premier
Maria Browne
Transportation and Infrastructure
709-729-1758; 709-699-6147
Jenny Bowring
Newfoundland and Labrador Housing Corporation